Software Solutions - Insectram

‘A company will only be as good as their chosen IT platform’ – and we offer you the opportunity to automate your processes and workflow into a digital platform that will enhance your productivity and streamline your staffing while also effortlessly complying with all the regulatory associations that may be linked to your business sector.


Is your business fit and healthy? Are you doing everything in the best way to grow your company or to enjoy higher profits? Maybe you are considering branching out into something else but you are not sure of the market…A full consultancy from us will give your company new motivation and direction.

Professional Development

From e-learning courses, to CPD points or food safety training sessions, we can match your company’s needs with all of the qualifications provided by the regulatory associations for your industry. We are also able to source skilled workers or companies that your business will need in order to fulfil your business plan

Consultancy and ISO

ISO9001 Quality Management, ISO4001 Environmental Management, OHSAS 18001 Occupational Health and Safety Management are some of the most recognised and necessary standards for your company. We have vast experience in coaching you through what can seem like complicated stages and impossible processes necessary for your company to become accredited. We take you through all the compliance requirements step by step, so you can feel confident of achieving your company’s goals

Productivity Studies

Every business needs help with this subject. ‘There are not enough hours in a day’ we hear people say. Or ‘we have problems with staff retention’ is another common problem. Learn how to maximise every workflow in your business, and increase output, income AND staff wellbeing all at the same time with proven techniques including Lean Six Sigma Training and Kaizen (Continuous Improvement) Training.

Research and Development

Often as a result of a full consultation process carried out on your company, a need for research and/or for development in particular areas of your business is identified. We can connect with the biggest statistical companies available to get the data that you need in order to create your most effective marketing or development plans and help you to implement these plans into developmental successes.